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History from Frankie Shepherd
The Creation of the North Canton Fire Department as its’ history has been passed down. Several men gathered at the business of Charlie Ferguson to discuss an important issue in the Nineteen/Pearidge Community, and that issue was the lack of a fire department to provide fire service to those communities. They decided to form a committee to determine how to proceed. The original members met to determine the best method to accomplish the task. The members were: J. D. Weems, Kenny Tanner, Charlie Ferguson, Dillard Austin, Bettye Holmes, Doris Morris and Rev. Allen Patrick.

In 1980, Tony Ferguson met with Mrs. Elizabeth Stone who lived in the community and she agreed to donate the land. The land was prepped for construction by Rev. Allen Patrick and Andrew “Jack” Moore.Tony met with Trammel Carmichael, the lone commissioner, to ask for financial assistance to construct the fire department. Commissioner Carmichael said that the county would fund $50,000.00 dollars, and that the community would have to raise the additional funds.
The By-Laws of the North Canton Fire Department were created on January 8, 1982 and Charlie Ferguson became the Chairman of the Corporation and Tony Ferguson became the first fire chief of the volunteer fire department. Mrs. Wyolene Bryant, Mr. J.D. Weems and the other original members were very instrumental in helping the community to raise the additional operational funds for the project. This became the first all African American Volunteer Fire Department in the state of Georgia.
Mr. Charles Gearing saw the need to have a Recreation Department in the community, and Articles of Incorporation of The North Canton Community Recreational Association, Inc. was born. This center was housed in the North Canton Volunteer Fire Department as a separate organization. Mr. Gearing was the first Chairman of the center.
After Mr. Ferguson passed, Cherokee county assumed operations for the Fire Department. In 2011, the community attempted to stand up another community center at the Fire Department without success.
In 2015, the county announced that they were going to build a new fire station across the street from the old structure. While attending a function sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, Frankie Ferguson Shepherd asked the county fire chief, Chief Patrick if the old fire station could be returned to the North Canton Community, and the chief assured her that he would make sure that it happened.
Chief James Perry Morris later started an organizationalattempt to establish a community center once the building was returned to the community. Dea. John Heard was eventually elected, by the community, to become the president. The following persons were elected to serve on the Committee: John Heard-president, Charles Gearing-vice-president, Rhoda
Keith-secretary, Pam Gearing-assistant secretary, Rocky Arthur-treasurer, Camille Thomas-assistant-treasurer and Kevin Roach- Parliamentarian. The Board members were as follows: Frankie Ferguson Shepherd-Chairperson; members: Melissa Keith, Freddie Langston, Shawn Gordon, Cathy Vines and Nina Morris.
The community center’s last name was, as of 2011, The Charlie Ferguson Community Center: therefore, the state Incorporated the new facility as the Charlie Ferguson Community Center.
In 2022, the county was tasked with refurbishing the old building and it became apparent that tearing down and re-building was the most feasible option.
In June 2023, Tannish Welch was elected president after the sudden passing of the current president, Dea. John Heard. Alesia Heard Steele was also appointed to the Board.
The new Community Center’s Ribbon Cutting ceremony is scheduled for July 25, 2023 and Grand Opening on July 29, 2023.
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Our Mission& Vision
It is the mission of the CFCC to strive to conserve what our ancestors left to the descendants of the community by providing charitable programs and activities that will address the community’s needs in education, mental and physical health, and social areas. The purpose of the center is to fulfill the mission and for such other charitable and recreational purposes as will qualify it as an exempt organization.
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